The only thing in the world that is comparable to dear, unadulterated friendship is a good dish of pasta! Well actually, I should rephrase that. The only thing I can conceive of in the world that can enhance an already stellar get together among dear friends is a good dish of pasta. Needless to say, senior year has been dreadfully busy, hence the month or so since I last posted my thoughts. Yet, I have been eating, obviously, my fair share of good food and I will try my very best to maintain my sanity and post some adventures in eating. Luckily, I found some time to share a nice quiet evening with my three girlfriends to chat and catch up over a deep bowl of fusili with peas and smoked sausage.
It had been entirely too long since we had all spoken and it was incredibly rejuvenating to reconnect. The hustle and bustle of scholastics, extracurriculars, jobs, and social encounters keep us occupied seemingly incessantly. Among us is an Army officer applying to medical school, a passionate science student contemplating a career in research, and a pleasant, RA dreaming of her next trip to Italy. In finding time to share a meal, we discussed our latest concerns and frustrations but more importantly we shared our most recent victories, big and small. We dished about guys, lack of guys, or shall I say lack of good guys and our aspirations for the upcoming years. We giggled about 21st birthday blunders and even planned a repeat in the upcoming weeks. We can finally, legally share a drink together in a fine establishment rather than grabbing a bottle of wine and sitting in someone's bedroom on a random Saturday evening. With a little brother's coming of age, a handsome railroad economist meeting my lady bug pillow pal :/, a Dad settling into a new city, and a surprise visit to Wisconsin.... there are plenty of special adventures to look forward to. Senior year is tumultuous and disconcerting as we embark on the next chapter in our lives but one can be certain that the transition is less anxiety provoking with the help of fine food and finer girlfriends.
So grab your favorite girls, a box of Barilla, some tomato sauce, and a package of Pepperidge Farm's cookies and relish in the blessings of peace, love, and pasta.